michelle chiu (art director)
sus it out
Reimagine typography’s role in the tension between freedom and law & order.
Fact-checking on social media has been replaced with community-based moderation.
Gen Z digital natives don’t see themselves as part of the problem or solution
for maintaining safe internet spaces.
#1: People perceive certain fonts with different levels of trustworthiness.
#2: Gen Z are actually most susceptible to believing and amplifying misinformation.
Idea: Tell Gen Z to sus it out.
AD – Michelle Chiu, Kianna Navard
CW – Robert Koumarelas, Michelle Chiu
Monotype Polygraph: A lie detector to tell the truth.
Misinformation keyword analysis (eg. social media text, headlines)
Misinformation keyword analysis (eg. social media text, headlines)
Font randomization to gauge design bias
Font randomization to gauge design bias
Mobile Polygraph
Misinformation keyword index with sources
Misinformation keyword index with sources
Mobile Index
Gut Check game
Gut Check game
Video essay collabs: Highlight impact of typographic design in thumbnails on research-based channels.
Associated Press x April Fools’: Comic Sans news takeover by Monotype.